Quick start


To install the package and its dependencies, clone the repository and run the following command in the repository root directory

pip install --upgrade numpy scipy
pip install [-e] .

or equivalently (let pip do the cloning)

pip install --upgrade numpy scipy
pip install git+https://github.com/ckoerber/lsqfit-gui@master

(lsqfit and gvar require numpy and scipy as build dependencies. Installing these packages before install gvar ensures a smooth installation.)


The GUI can be started either:

  1. directly from another python script

# some_script.py
from lsqfit import nonlinear_fit
from lsqfitgui import run_server
fit = nonlinear_fit(data, fcn=fcn, prior=prior)
  1. or over the entry point, which requires a gvar pickled fit and an import path to the fit function. As an example, first export the fit running the following script,

import gvar as gv
from lsqfit import nonlinear_fit

def fcn(x, p):
    y = ...
    return y


fit = nonlinear_fit(data, fcn=fcn, prior=prior)
gv.dump(fit, "fit.p")

and run the GUI with

lsqfitgui [--function other_script.py:fcn] fit.p

Advanced usage

See also the examples/ folder and documentation.